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 Liste des loots pour optimisation

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Messages : 300
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2007
Age : 49
Localisation : wouhouuuuu j'suis à Seattle

Liste des loots pour optimisation Empty
MessageSujet: Liste des loots pour optimisation   Liste des loots pour optimisation Icon_minitimeSam 11 Aoû - 14:02

Je me suis dit que ça pourrait être une bonne idée de mettre nos listes de loots pour optimisation en commun afin d'avoir une idée générale de qui veut quoi.


Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran (Moroes) -> Narikan

The Lightning Capacitor (Terrestian illhoof) -> Closer, Sternum

Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy (Shade of Aran) -> Magician

Jewel of Infinite Possibilities (Netherspite) -> Vag

Adornment of Stolen Souls (Prince Malchezaar) -> Angelofreya, Sternum

Nathrezim Mindblade (Prince Malchezaar) -> Comablack, Dorwin, Magician, Sebek

Talisman of Nightbane (Nightbane) -> Sternum


Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi (High King Maulgar) -> Comablack, Sebek, Sternum, Vag

Bloodmaw Magus-Blade (Gruul) -> Closer, Comablack, Darcia, Dorwin


Eredar Wand of Obliteration (Magtheridon) -> Magician

Eye of Magtheridon (Magtheridon) -> Asharfh, Cappucine, Magician, Narikan, Septic

Soul-Eater's Handwraps (Magtheridon) -> Narikan


Boots of the Shifting Nightmare (Hydross) -> Cappucine, Darcia, Magician

Fathomstone (Hydross) -> Angelofreya, Cappucine, Darcia, Final, Septic, Vag

Living Root of the Wildearth (Hydross) -> Narikan

Robe of Hateful Echoes (Hydross) -> Closer, Cappucine, Darcia, Magician

Cord of Screaming Terrors (Lurker) -> Cappucine, Closer, Dorwin, Final, Magician, Narikan, Sternum

The Seal of Danzalar (Lurker) -> Magician

Velvet Boots of the Guardian (Lurker) -> Closer, Final, Narikan, Vag

Pendant of the Lost Ages (Morogrim) -> Final, Magician

Illidari Shoulderpads (Morogrim) -> Cappucine, Darcia, Dorwin, Magician

Serpent-Coil Braid (Morogrim) -> Angelofreya, Septic, Vag

Fathom-Brooch of the Tidewalker (Karathress) -> Sebek

Sextant of Unstable Currents (Karathress) -> Angelofreya, Closer, Final, Sebek, Sternum

Fang of the Leviathan (Leotheras) -> Angelofreya, Closer, Comablack, Darcia, Dorwin, Final

Ring of Endless Coils (Lady Vashj) -> Comablack, Final, Sebek, Septic, Sternum, Vag

Vestments of the Sea-Witch (Lady Vashj) -> Angelofreya, Asharfh, Cappucine, Magician, Narikan, Septic, Sternum, Vag


Cowl of the Grand Engineer (Void Reaver) -> Angelofreya, Cappucine, Closer, Darcia, Final, Magician, Septic, Vag

Trousers of the Astromancer (Solarian) -> Cappucine, Magician, Narikan

Wand of the Forgotten Star (Solarian) -> Angelofreya, Asharfh, Closer, Final, Septic, Sternum, Vag

Band of Al'ar (Al'ar) -> Magician, Narikan

Mindstorm Wristbands (Al'ar) -> Angelofreya, Asharfh, Cappucine, Closer, Comablack, Darcia, Final, Septic, Vag

Royal Cloak of the Sunstriders (Kael'thas) -> Magician

The Nexus Key (Kael'thas) -> Narikan, Sebek

Fire-Cord of the magus (trash loot) -> Septic, Vag

Mantle of the Elven Kings (trash loot) -> Vag


Belt of Blasting -> Angelofreya, Septic, Sternum, Vag

Boots of Blasting -> Angelofreya, Vag

Merci de renseigner ce post à chaque fois que vous recevez un item de votre liste.

Dernière édition par le Jeu 20 Sep - 18:08, édité 5 fois
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